Dr. Lars Fredrik Stöcker
Assoziiert am Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES), Universität Uppsala
Research interests
Central and East European history, Scandinavian history, Cold War, history of Communism, socialist economies, history of transformation, political opposition in state socialist regimes
Ongoing projects
Book project "Laboratories of Marketization: A Historical Reassessment of Economic Reforms at the Soviet Union's Western Fringes, 1987-1991"
Selected publications
2018. Bridging the Baltic Sea: Networks of Resistance and Opposition during the Cold War Era. Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series, ed. Mark Kramer. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
2017. "The 1972 Memorandum to the United Nations and Its Repercussions: Émigré Politics and Soviet Estonian Dissent during the 'Era of Stagnation'". Journal of Baltic Studies 48 (2): 109-33.
2016. "Perestroika and the Economic 'Westernization' of the USSR: Soviet Estonian Market Pioneers and their Nordic Partners". Estonian Historical Journal 3-4: 447-76.
2015. "Cracks in the 'Iron Curtain': The Evolution of Political Contacts between Soviet Estonia and the Estonian Emigration in Sweden before Perestroika". Baltic Worlds 8 (1-2): 75-85.
2014. "Nylon Stockings and Samizdat: The 'White Ship' between Helsinki and Tallinn in the Light of Its Unintended Economic and Political Consequences". Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropaforschung 63 (3): 374-98.
2013. "The Baltic Connection: Transnational Samizdat Networks between Émigrés in Sweden and the Democratic Opposition in Poland", in Samizdat, Tamizdat & Beyond: Transnational Media during and after Socialism, eds. Friederike Kind-Kóvacs and Jessie Labov. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 51-69.
Campus der Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1.11
A-1090 Wien